
My House Smells Wonderful, I Have No More Flies or Mosquitoes, and I Spent Almost Nothing



Cut a Lemon in Half: Take a fresh lemon and cut it in half.
Insert Cloves: Stick several cloves into the flesh of each lemon half. Cloves have a strong scent that repels flies and mosquitoes.

Place the Lemon Halves: Put the clove-studded lemon halves in areas where flies and mosquitoes are common, such as near windows, doors, and in the kitchen. The combination of lemon and cloves creates a natural barrier that insects dislike.
Baking Soda Air Freshener:
Prepare the Baking Soda: Take a small bowl and fill it with baking soda.
Add Essential Oil (Optional): For an extra pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the baking soda. Lemon, lavender, or eucalyptus oils work particularly well.
Place the Bowl: Set the bowl in a central location in your home. The baking soda will absorb odors, while the essential oils (if used) will release a pleasant fragrance, keeping your house smelling fresh.
Homemade Cleaning Spray:
Mix Ingredients: Combine equal parts of water and lemon juice in a spray bottle. You can also add a tablespoon of baking soda for extra cleaning power.
Clean Surfaces: Use this mixture to wipe down countertops, tables, and other surfaces. The lemon juice acts as a natural disinfectant and leaves behind a fresh scent, while the baking soda helps to remove stains and grime.
Cost-Effective: These ingredients are inexpensive and easily available.
Natural and Safe:

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